Our Arthritis Formula was developed by Australian research in 1988 done specifically to investigate ways to increase the anti-inflammatory effect of emu oil. It is useful in reducing inflammation in soft tissues related to:
Chronic and acute injuries: Reduces soft tissue inflammation. If applied to an injury immediately, most swelling and corresponding bruising can be prevented, reducing pain and healing time. (The NBA and NFL have been using Emu Oil for over twenty years to help prevent and speed healing of injuries.)
Arthritis (both osteo and rheumatoid): Works best if applied regularly, even if it "doesn't hurt right now". The anti-inflammatory effect accumulates over time. One Canadian study showed an actual structural improvement in the joints over a period of two years. Apply prior to engaging in any activity that typically causes pain or stiffness.
Bursitis, tendinitis, repetitive stress, bruises, sprains, strains, growing pains, plantar facsiitis, muscle cramps (excellent!), any other soft tissue inflammation related to injury or aging will benefit from regular application of Arthritis Formula.
Like Pure Emu Oil, it penetrates completely. Does not leave the skin oily or stain clothing. It does not use an anesthetic effect or a hot or cool feeling to mask pain. It acts only on inflammation which is the source of most discomfort in the above conditions. The scent disappears soon after application. Extremely advanced arthritis with significant cartilage destruction may not respond as well as mild to moderate arthritis.
HOW TO APPLY: Arthritis Formula is applied the same as the Pure Emu Oil (it is 80% Emu Oil). Apply as little as needed to cover the affected area. A compress may be saturated with Arthritis Formula and held against the skin for 30 minutes or so to improve relief of severe symptoms. This method works well on lower back pain.
STORAGE:Our Arthritis Formula has a nice lotion like consistency at typical room temperatures. Store product at room temperature away from direct sun light and heat if you intend to use the contents of the container within one year. If not, refrigerate and transfer to a smaller container for daily use. Refrigeration will extend shelf life to 5 years or more. Store all products containing emu oil away from direct sunlight or direct heat. We supply an empty one ounce dispenser bottle at no cost with the purchase of most of our products in 4 ounce sizes and larger.
"Emu Oil...It's What Your Skin is Thirsty For"

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